About the author
Hey! I’m Patrick and I’ve been playing Minecraft for over 10 years, I created a French server over 6 years ago and it was a big success. That’s why I created this website, to share all my tips with you!
Tips & guides about Minecraft
Recent posts
How to install and use Forge in Minecraft (step-by-step)
Forge is an unofficial Minecraft extension that allows the installation of “mods,” or modifications to the base game.In this article, we’ll see how to install it on your computer. How to install Forge on Minecraft?No matter your operating system, Minecraft Forge is available.The simplest way to install it is to…
Minecraft: How can two players play without a server?
This may not be as well-known as hosted servers, but it’s possible to play Minecraft with others without the hassle of creating a server. This is possible if you are two players on the same local network. You can play Minecraft with two (or more) players by using the “Open…
How to Make a Hopper in Minecraft: Recipe, farm…
Once you’ve understood the basics of your base in Minecraft, the hopper becomes an indispensable tool to make your life easier. It is notably used in all factories. In this article, I explain how to craft and use it. The crafting recipe for a Minecraft hopper involves placing a chest…
Minecraft 1.20+: Where to find the most diamonds?
Diamonds are one of the most rare resources in the game, and they’re especially useful. Since version 1.18, Minecraft has revolutionized the location of various ores, so you might need help mining efficiently. I have analyzed data from a huge area to improve your chances of finding diamonds quickly. Generally,…
How to install Minecraft on Linux (Premium or Crack)
Linux, and Ubuntu in particular, has been my favorite desktop system for a long time.Even if I still use it a lot for servers or Raspberry Pi, I went back to Windows for my main PC (too many compatibility issues with specific applications for work).Anyway, for a long time I…
How To Make a Minecraft Server Less Laggy? (13 Ninja Tips)
Minecraft servers are software that is not optimized for performance. They consume a lot of RAM, solicit the disk and operate in a single-thread.Server delays are therefore frequent, and this can become very complicated for the gaming experience if no action is taken to improve this.In this guide, I’ll explain…
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What to do When you are Bored in Minecraft? (21 ideas)
Yes, it’s a classic, you start to get bored on Minecraft after a few hours for some, a few weeks for others.As it depends a lot on your imagination and your knowledge of the game, you’d better look for help on the Internet 🙂So, what can you do in Minecraft…
23 Best Minecraft Plugins your Spigot Server Needs (+Links)
If you are just getting started with Spigot, it might be hard to find the best plugins for your Minecraft server.Yes, you can browse to the thousands of resources on the official website, but good luck to find the best ones.I have a lot of experience with Spigot, that’s why…
Which Mob is Best for XP farm? (Not what you think)
You may have a goal to get a lot of experience quickly, or maybe you just want to optimize your time playing Minecraft (nobody like to spent hours farming XP levels). You are at the right place, I’ll give you the best way to farm XP in Minecraft. Overall, the…
Where do you Find Slimes in Minecraft? (Ninja Tips)
If you need a lot of slime balls, that might be hard to find them easily. Indeed, slimes are one of the mobs we don’t see so often in Minecraft.No worries, I will explain the best techniques to find them in this article. As a general rule, slimes only spawn…
What Causes the Most Lag in Minecraft? (15 reasons to look at)
We have all known this moment when Minecraft starts to slow down, more or less violently and even with a recent PC. Minecraft is a game well-known to be laggy, despite its minimalist graphics, it consumes a lot of resources and your PC may have trouble running it. Today I…
What Should You Do First in Minecraft Survival? (Pro tips)
I recently introduced a friend to the game, and I remembered how difficult it is to start playing Minecraft in survival mode when it’s one of our first games. After searching a bit on the internet, I couldn’t find anything detailed enough to help beginners, so I intend to solve…